Does religion affect culture??

For religious countries, In my opinion, religion directly influences the country ‘s culture, people culture, somehow their style of living, where they go, what they were…etc.

I came across some interesting reports published by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the US Department of State. I was interested in the International Religious Freedom part.

I encourage you to read both reports of Jordan and Greece or the one of your country of origin.

The interesting thing I found is the following:

In Jordan you can build as many churches and mosques ANYWHERE you want (by the way…Jewish temples are not allowed), BUT you’re not allowed to convert from Islam to other religions.

In Greece you’re not allowed to build a worship mosque ANYWHERE you want (by the way…I was told that Jewish temples are allowed to be built anywhere), BUT you’re free to change to any religion you want.

I wonder if both countries will change their views about these topics in the near future?? I also wonder how someday our people and governments will look back at these issues??

From my observation, I think religious culture is changing very fast and people are accepting each other, whether they like it or not. At least this is what I think.

What about you? What do you think? Feel free to leave your comments.


fhasweh said...

Well, to be honest I find it difficult here for me as Muslim. There is no mosque that you can practice your religion, I think Christian people who will go to Jordan will find it much easier to practice religion, get married or bury their beloved dead people in Christian cemetery rather than Muslims here. Here in order for Muslim to get married or to bury their beloved dead people they must travel to Thrace or abroad to do that, which is difficult. I find it weird that country like Greece (European Union country), which has many immigrants and considered, as free/democratic country dose not allow this basics and important things for Muslims.
I hope they will soon change the rules and we will have our first mosque.

Nice subject

Anonymous said...

I think now a days, people become more open to each other, new life style of people take them away from soul inspirations; religion and believes become a secondary thing in their life, all of us believe in our religion because that what our parents raised us on.
In my point of view I don’t see that religion have a big effect on our life, we all have our own ethics rules and human being nature, according to them we treat each other.
Culture become affected more by the political and economic situations, not religion status..